QAT IELTS Preparation Course 澳洲雅思課程 

QAT 算是布里斯本市中心有名的語言跟證照學校,其中著名的就是雅思英文課程。這次在QAT報名了十二週的雅思課程,這間學校是以每週大約澳幣150左右收費雅思課程。有分早上班跟晚上班,早上班通常費用會比早上來得貴一些。課程部份有依照英文程度分班,若有雅思或其他英文證明可以直接提供給學校,會直接給予分班。若沒有英文相關證明也沒關係,學校會在第一天報到的時候,提供免費的英文測驗,再依照結果分班喔!

QAT is the famous language school in Brisbane city. There are a variety of courses , including IELTS Preparation course, the certificate and diploma for business and child care course, and so on. 
For me, I signed up for the ten weeks for IELTS preparation course with  free and additional two weeks. Thus, the total weeks is 12 weeks with no charge for the registration fee and the course material fee. 

整體來說,上課教室跟相關的設備都算新,有自修座位也有用餐的空間,有些地方會放置休閒設備供學生玩耍放鬆 🙃
Let’s look at the facilities at QAT. There are four floors for QAT (the ground floor, third, fourth and fifth floor). At the ground floor, there is the main reception area for inquiry and the area for rest and eating. 


每層樓跟用餐區都有微波爐可以加熱便當,畢竟在澳洲當地自己煮帶便當會是最省錢的選擇,不然三餐吃外面,一天也差不多要快臺幣八百多塊,還不一定好吃 😆 自己煮也會比較健康喔! 

The behind of the dinning area is equipped with four computers. Moreover, there is the football game for students. It’s really interesting and this is the first time I saw this kind of entertainment facility in the school.


All of the IELTS Preparation courses are attended at the third floor. There are total six classrooms and the other dinning area with microwaves and refrigerators. There is a gray sofa for resting.




QAT 蠻多老師都是雅思前考官,所以他們的評分跟建議都蠻值得信賴的!我想這也是為什麼這間學校的雅思課程特別有名。









There is the self-study room at the fourth floor and it’s no need for reservation. If the self-study room is empty, students can use it for free and anytime. There is a table and few chairs for study. The book shelf is equipped in the self-study room with different kinds of English material, like the grammar books, Cambridge English books, and teaching resources.

整理來說,我覺得QAT的環境很不錯,該有的設備都具備,工作人員跟老師人都很好,很耐心地回答問題。QAT 的雅思課程在布里斯本算蠻有名的,也蠻有歷史的,分班很細,老師也蠻多都是雅思考官或是前考官。但個人覺得,能不能達到自己設定的分數目標,在於自己的積極度、平時讀書計畫,以及持之以恆的毅力。希望能盡快達到雅思七分,再來分享雅思的考試歷程與經驗,祝大家考到理想的雅思7.0! 😄Overall, the surroundings is appropriate for students to use and study. The receptionists and teachers are all nice with good attitude. Hope everyone can achieve their ideal goal for the IELTS exams.

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    Diary 365

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